
International Student Housing


大学的政策是,本科生住在大学宿舍(宿舍),并购买一年级和二年级的膳食计划,除非他们满足其中一个 豁免标准. 该政策要求本科生在搬离校园前在宿舍住满两年.

注意:一旦学生完成了住房合同并支付了住房押金, it is for one academic year (fall and spring semester). 如果新生在春季学期入学,合同将在春季学期结束后终止. 学生必须签订一份新的住房合同,并支付第二年的住房押金,以满足在校内居住两年的要求. 不符合免修标准的学生住在校外, but intend to take classes during the summer session, are required to live in the residence halls. 他们必须完成暑期住房合同才能获得分配.


Step One: Let Us Know You Are Coming!


  • If you are not required to live in the residence halls, 如果你选择不住在校内宿舍,你应该继续“第二步”.
  • 通过完成一份住房合同(必须住在校园里的学生需要)来确认你的就读意向。.
  • 房屋合同应通过点击“合同和申请”选项卡完成 Housing Self-Service
  • 如果您在提交住房合同或通过网站发送住房押金方面遇到困难, you will need to email housing@俄亥俄州.edu.


  • 交通和停车服务可能会提供交通选择. 参观 Transportation and 停车 Services website or contact them by phone at 740.593.1917.
  • If you are looking for a cost-effective option, the GoBus 提供往返bet8九州登录入口和约翰格伦哥伦布国际机场(CMH)的交通服务. The GoBus is not affiliated with the Transportation & 停车 Services department at bet8九州登录入口; however, the service is offered on campus. 您需要直接与GoBus协调您的出行需求. 


Step Three: Make a Temporary Housing Reservation

请注意,根据空间可用性将决定是否能够在秋季或春季学期开始之前提供临时住房. 12月1日之后(春季)或7月1日之后(秋季)联系住房检查可用性.

  • 寒假住宿:如果你在春季学期传统的入住时间之外到达,你将需要预订临时住房.
  • 临时住房的费用是每人每晚30美元,或每周125美元. 临时住房费用将直接记入您的学生账户. Linen packets will be provided upon request.
  • 研究生和不需要住在校园里但需要临时住房的学生,直到他们找到校外住房, must also make a reservation. Space is limited and not guaranteed.
  • 如果临时住房已满或学生没有预订, they will be referred to an off-campus hotel, we recommend the bet8九州登录入口 Inn.
  • 你需要计划在任何一家当地餐馆购买你的饭菜,直到食堂开放,你的学术学期的膳食计划开始(通常是第一天上课)。.
  • Depending on the arrival date, 你可以住在学年分配给你的宿舍里,也可以住在临时地点.

Step Four: After Arrival

  • 有工作人员住在宿舍,他们可以帮助你解决任何问题. These staff members are called Resident Advisors or RA’s.
  • In the event that you would like to change rooms, 所有学生的换房流程在秋季和春季学期的第一个星期四开始.
  • 当你开始第二年的学习时,你将能够选择你的房间. 关于房间选择过程的电子邮件将在春季学期发送到您的俄亥俄电子邮件.


Frequently Asked Questions for International Students


How do I know if I must live on campus?

  • 如果你是大一或大二的学生,你必须住在校园里. 如果你高中毕业后在你的祖国上了大学, you may send or bring us a copy of your transcript. 然后,我们将审查它,并建议你是否可以住在校外或必须留在校园.

How do I complete a housing contract?

  • To complete a housing contract you must go to  Housing Self-Service. 这份住房合同对整个学年都有约束力.


Where will I live once I arrive?

  • Depending upon your arrival date, 你要么被安排在临时地点,要么直接进入指定的房间.

Who will my roommate be?

  • Once students receive an assignment, 如果有室友被分配到这个空间,他们将在你的 Housing Self-Service.

Can I cook my own food?

  • 要求住校的学生必须有膳食计划. To review permitted items please review the Student Housing Handbook. Some residence halls, but not all, have 厨房 which you can use if you reside in that building.

Where do we wash our clothes?

  • 每个大厅内或附近都有洗衣机和烘干机. 访问我们的 洗衣 website for more details.

Can I smoke on campus?

  • bet8九州登录入口 is a tobacco free campus, 禁止在宿舍或校园内使用烟草制品.

What address should I use for mail, etc.?

  • 当你住在校园里时,你的邮件会被送到你的绿地上的收发室. 访问我们的 邮件网页 for more information on mail including addresses to use. 请注意,一些国际学生选择支付校内住房, but then live off-campus in an apartment or a house. 住在校园里的政策可以帮助你充分融入bet8九州登录入口社区. 对于一年级和二年级的学生来说,住在校园里也更方便. If you decide to pay for both living on and off campus, 请到您的学生中心更新您的个人信息和地址. 这将帮助我们在紧急情况下找到你.